13 november 2020

Owen and Miriam Pugh

The Pughs are currently in the UK on Leave. “…leaving Ga/ara was pretty hard this time round. Feeling a bit broken in the middle of yet more transitions, the seekers and believers who seem vulnerable and those situations which we were full of hope to see already resolved but are still not… These present times, probably for all of us, are nothing if not deeply challenging, disorientating, and downright hard. Sometimes that needs to be expressed. But woven through it all is the ever present help and comfort of Jesus, present even when we don’t “feel” it, bringing a better perspective which revolves around him and not us. That invites us to trust and to cry out to him. So we continue even now to draw near and cry out to the One who still calls us and still holds us.” Please pray for the situations on the Pughs’ hearts, and for them to keep bringing them to God and find comfort in Jesus.

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