8 november 2019

Mat & Katy Linley

The Linleys are currently in the UK for Home Assignment and Study Leave. “We have been exploring a move to Kenya in August 2020, and this has now been approved by AIM. Mat will be joining the AIM Southern Region office team, which supports AIM’s work in Namibia, Lesotho, Mozambique, and several Indian Ocean islands including Madagascar. We hope to live in Kijabe, a town about an hour and a half out of Nairobi, where AIM run Rift Valley Academy, a school which we think will be a good fit for the children. Katy is hoping to work part-time as a volunteer doctor at Kijabe Hospital, which is next door to the school, doing a combination of clinical practice and training.” Please pray for the Linleys over the coming months as plans become concrete and they prepare to move to Kenya.

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