29 juni 2018

Kathleen Quellmalz

“My colleague Zebby, who has now taken over the administrative management of Safina, and I have visited our branches together. While Zebby met with our staff members, I took the opportunity to speak with our 11 young Tanzanian volunteer workers, who have been helping in our different branches over the past six months. Here is an excerpt from one of these conversations: “I have never before read as much in my Bible as I have during my time as a volunteer. Because I often lead devotions, I have been forced to spend much more time with God’s word. I hope that I will also continue to read the Bible so intensively after my volunteer time and will be able to win over my family and hold devotions together.” All in all I am very encouraged with the commitment of our volunteers. They have been a great blessing and help for our branches, even though there were challenges here and there. At the end of June most will finish their volunteer work in order to continue with high school or vocational training. Pray that they will remain faithful to Jesus and continue to follow him. I will meet with all of them this coming weekend and on Sunday we have a special graduation service to mark the end of their official volunteer service.”

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