23 augustus 2019

Jurgen & Katja Hofmann

“The whole set of Bible-stories (41 in total) is ready! We gave the first set to our friends Doris and Alphossin. This young pastor-couple go out to the small villages on a regular base to share the gospel. They take young Christians with them to teach them the ‘trait’ of evangelist. These young Christians come from our area and only speak the dialect. Some of them can read but the official language is still difficult for them. The stories in their own dialect are a wonderful tool for them to work with. But also for Doris and Alphossin. They are not of the Antanala tribe but they are Betsimisaraka, who speak a different language. With the stories in the Tanala dialect they too can preach better in the heart language of the hearers.” Praise God that the Bible story set has been completed and can now be used to share the gospel!

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