2 september 2016


We began school on August 16th. In my class of seven we have four nationalities, two grade levels, three native languages and a lot of fun! We use Sonlight, a great homeschool curriculum, which I used in Madagascar. Praise the Lord for his grace in that! We study all sorts of things and throughout the day remember our Father who made us, loves us and sent Jesus to save us. It is a real privilege to teach in this way. It will be no surprise to those that know me that teaching brings me great joy and a sense of familiarity amidst the unknown and unexpected. I am thankful for that, and very aware that all of this comes from him. He has led me to this point and continues to faithfully provide and equip me for the challenges ahead.” Praise God that Hannah is enjoying teaching at Wellspring, and please pray for her and her class for the year ahead.

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