5 februari 2016

Andrew Wallace

“...two young men, Lotao and Loboi, publicly declared their true and living faith in Christ Jesus by being baptised in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Lotao has been my language helper for the last five months, and even in that time I have seen him grow so much in wisdom and understanding of God’s word. To see him baptised (all be it in an old oil drum), put great joy in my heart. I had only met Loboi once before his baptism last Wednesday but I know he has been following Jesus faithfully for some time…We recently had another young man named Luka say he wants to follow Jesus. He is planning to stay for the next six months to help with the construction work in order to raise money to continue his schooling. We plan to give him a salary to help with the work, but also to help us with language, as his English is very good. I hope to learn Bible stories in Laarim together with him, whilst simultaneously studying the stories we are learning so that he can grow in his knowledge of Scripture and feed his new faith.” Give thanks for these new believers and pray for them as the team seeks to help them grow in their faith.

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