9 november 2018

Amos Kennedy

Amos is a short term missionary serving among the Gabbra in Dukana, Kenya. “This week we’ve just finished off the water tower for the village of Kubi Adi. What a good thing it was to see the tower standing after so long! The well had already been dug and so all that was left for us to do was bring a water tank, solar panels and piping so the people would have a closer access point. The well site was inaccessible – even by Land Rover – and so we had to carry the heavy frame and all equipment into the site by hand, through scrub and thick mud… Hopefully the whole project will be completed by the end of this month, and the people will get the chance to hear the gospel every time we go… Pray that we will be able to complete the water project at Kubi Adi within the next month. Pray that the Gabra people in that place would not only be provided with physical water but spiritual water which will quench their souls eternally.”

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