Diaspora teams in France

Could you befriend and witness to people from African unreached people groups living in France?


A growing number of Africans are migrating to Europe. It is estimated that 1.5 million Africans entered Europe between 2015-2016, and current trends point to that number increasing. Many African diaspora churches are also growing, and we want to partner with them to reach their new neighbours.

Vision and Strategy

Our vision is to use what we have learned in ministry among unreached people groups in Africa to reach the growing population of Africans now living in Europe. We want to partner with churches, other organisations and local ministries to reach internationals living in multiple cities in France so that they come to faith in Christ and, in turn, reach others around them with the gospel.

We want to ensure that there is a viable gospel witness among such communities through establishing prayer movements for such unreached people and placing workers and teams to strategic cities. These teams will share the good news of Jesus through their words and actions.

With a holistic approach to ministry that demonstrates the compassion of Christ, we want to serve the practical needs of internationals while also making disciples who in turn will reach their own families and neighbourhoods. We want to help local churches expand their reach and effectiveness by placing both long term workers and short term teams.

Ministry and type of work

Multiple locations in France are available, and ministry could take varied forms. The focus will be on unreached Africans, although ministry will reach other internationals too. There will be lots of opportunities to befriend and disciple others; and outreach activities will be done alongside seeking to mobilise local Christians to join in the ministry.

Major tasks:

  • Foster prayer and develop prayer strategy
  • Seek out friendships with international students and others, and share the gospel with them
  • Begin discovery Bible studies with seekers, while discipling them towards faith and maturity
  • Serve in the activities of our local partner organisation in France
  • Cast the vision for the ministry and mobilise locals to join in the ministry to international students
  • Connect with local churches, ministries and leaders to make network of likeminded people with goal of reproducing disciples among internationals, with priority for unreached Africans

Qualifications and experience

  • Teaching English as a Second Language is helpful, as is previous experience with internationals
  • Experience in disciple-making experience
  • Training is on-the-job

What are the personal (not academic) characteristics required?

  • Expectant for people to become Christians
  • Heart for discipleship
  • Teachable
  • Team player

Other information

AIM long term members will be placed among partner ministries, and short term teams will support and expand the reach of existing ministries. Housing will be paid for by the member out of their regular support.


You must be a born-again Christian with an active and growing relationship with Jesus Christ and in agreement with AIM’s statement of faith; you must be at least 18 years of age; you must be able to legally work in the UK; you cannot have been divorced multiple times or within the last five years.

Listen to a retired missionary talking about the priority that prayer must play in a missionaries life:

We believe that God will provide for those he is leading into cross-cultural mission with AIM. The first step is to be praying, and to share your needs with your church and supporters, so that they can be praying with you that your needs would be met. Once your assignment is agreed and confirmed, a detailed budget is prepared for you which outlines the overall amount needed to be raised or pledged for your first term (2-3 years depending on location). You will need to have 100% of this amount pledged before you can travel.

The budget is shared with your sending church and we will work with you and your church to help you think about this further. Our European Based Orientation programme provides some training on partnership development, and we will provide other resources for you to share with potential supporters too, such as a prayer card, a page on our website with an online giving form and a standing order form (if needed).

Listen to a pastor talking about offering support:


If you are 18 or above then you can serve as a short term missionary. You will need to sign AIM’s statement of faith, pass standard health checks and have no previous criminal convictions.

Luke Herrin 

In Acts 18:10, the Lord told Paul that he should keep speaking clearly because he had many people in Corinth. The Lord has many people in your city. We just need to find them. And the best way to do that is just to talk to them. 

Interested? Get in Touch

Hi, my name is Debbie. If this opportunity interests you, or you have any questions, please do get in touch.​

Interested in serving form

Short term (under a year)

There are many ways to serve short term. Whether on a team, as an individual, on a medical elective, or as a Bible college placement, short term with AIM fits into our long term ministry of reaching Africa’s unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE

Long term ( Over a year )

Our passion is to see Christ-centred churches among all African peoples. Currently there are over 1,000 people groups in Africa or 316 million people, who are waiting to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to engage with these unreached people, partner with churches in Africa to raise up gospel workers and equip African church leaders to strengthen the church. Could you play a part?. LEARN MORE

United Kingdom & Europe

Ministry in the United Kingdom & Europe ranges from being a part of mobilising offices, to teaching in Bible colleges to being involved in work among the African Diaspora across the continent. LEARN MORE


Taking the good news of Jesus to Africa’s hardest to reach people does not always mean a move to Africa. Today, millions of Africans live outside of Africa: in North America, Europe, and around the globe – the African diaspora. LEARN MORE
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