Annemarie Boks

Sent from Evangelische Gemeente Parousia in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands

Annemarie Boks works in Adi, DR Congo as a Director of an Aids Awareness Program established by the CECA 20 (Communauté Evangélique au Centre de l’Afrique) church.

After training as a nurse, followed by Bible Training in Belgium and a training in tropical medicine in Antwerp, Annemarie left in 1989 for the first time to DR Congo (then Zaire). From 1989 until 1998 Annemarie taught at a nursing school.

After a forced evacuation in 1998, Annemarie obtained a Master’s Degree in Community Health at the University of Liverpool in 1999. Since 2002 she has been working with the Aids Awareness Program of the CECA 20 church.

In 2007 she moved to Adi, in the very north-east of DR Congo, where she now works to develop training for pastors, including leading workshops, as she seeks to support and encourage them in their ministry among those who are living with HIV/Aids.

DR Congo is the largest country on sub-Saharan Africa. With over 75 million people, it is also the country with the fourth highest population in Africa. AIM has been working in DR Congo since 1912, when it was known as Belgian Congo. The CECA church established by AIM is now a major denomination in DR Congo, and has begun Bible schools, hundreds of primary schools, secondary schools, medical schools, and a university.

During the time that she has been in DR Congo, Annemarie has seen a change in people’s attitudes towards the Aids pandemic. When she first arrived, people didn’t talk about it, and almost no tests or antiretroviral (ARV) treatments were available. Now, people are more open to talking about Aids, and the government is working to make tests and ARVs available in all of its health zones.

CECA’s Aids programme was an important factor in a national Aids training programme being started in January 2014, and since then Adi General Hospital, where Annemarie works, has begun a treatment programme for patients with HIV. In more recent years, Annemarie has also been focussing on preparing workshops for church leaders that encourage and equip them to serve people living with HIV and model to their churches an acceptance of those infected with HIV.

Annemarie is also involved the Bethesda project, which supports children who have been orphaned by their parents dying of the consequences of Aids by helping them pay for their school fees.

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Latest Prayer News

Annemarie Boks works in Adi, DR Congo as Director of an AIDS Awareness Program, and with the Bethsaida project, which finances education and training for children orphaned by AIDS. There is much disruption in DR Congo at present, caused by active war zones and the ceasing of US development aid. Pray for AIM staff currently displaced for safety reasons and for necessary HIV tests and antiretrovirals to be sourced for the AIDS awareness Program.

Annemarie Boks works in Adi, DR Congo as Director of an AIDS Awareness Program, and with the Bethsaida project, which finances education and training for children orphaned by AIDS. Pray for the handover of her work to Ayila as Annemarie prepares to retire this year. Pray too for the provision of a home in Zoetermeer near her parents and home church.

Annemarie Boks works in Adi, DR Congo as Director of an AIDS Awareness Program, and with the Bethsaida project, which finances education and training for children orphaned by AIDS. Annemarie’s parents are in their nineties, with increasingly fragile health, and she has decided to retire in 2025. There is lots to be done as her work is handed over so pray for her successor, the board, the direction of the AIDS Program, and the church in preparation for this transition. 

Annemarie Boks works in Adi, DR Congo as a Director of an Aids Awareness Program and works with the Bethesda project, which supports children who have been orphaned by their parents dying of the consequences of Aids by helping them pay for their school fees. Ask God to comfort the three children Bethsaida supported through school, who failed their exams in October. One of them has had the courage to accept the project’s offer to return to school again for a second year, however, the other two students have exhausted the three-year support the project could offer them. Pray that God will bless the teaching and studies of the one student returning to school, that she will pass next time. Pray for God to provide the means for the Bethsaida project to be able to support more children and young people for longer periods of time. 

Annemarie Boks works in Adi, DR Congo as a Director of an Aids Awareness Program established by the CECA 20 (Communauté Evangélique au Centre de l’Afrique) church. Pray for Annemarie and her teammates at the Bethesda Project, which supports children who have been orphaned by their parents dying of the consequences of Aids by helping them pay for their school fees. Give thanks that most of her students passed their final exams. She asks that we continue to pray for her friend Chloe* who is a troubled teenager who ran away from home as has been seen with a soldier and no longer attends the Bethesda Project. Pray that she will return home and trust that God has a better future for her. 

*Names changed for security reasons

DR Congo

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