Remembering Christine

This testimony has been compiled from thoughts from Colin, her husband, her children and others who knew her well…

Doing something for him

Christine was born in a small village in Cumbria and attended a local grammar school, where she met friends who knew Jesus. Her journey into mission began at a Billy Graham crusade in 1954 where, despite having already made a private confession of faith, she left her seat as a witness to others. From the beginning of her faith, Christine felt God wanted her to ‘do something’ for him with her life. So, she qualified as a nurse and began working for Faith Mission.

“Hundreds of messages have poured in during the past months – all testifying to the fact that Christine was greatly loved…”

It was here Colin met Christine, sneaking her off the Faith Mission premises, with their austere rules about dating, to get to know her better. After three weeks Colin asked her, ‘Would you like to share your life with me?’ Fortunately Christine understood that to be a proposal, and they were married in October 1968. A month later they set off on a great journey to Central Congo, living in sweltering humidity in a remote village. They served there for almost 4 years, during which time their daughter Joy was born.

Joining AIM

On home assignment in UK their son, John Mark, was born in 1973. During this time AIM’s Dr. Dick Anderson met the Molyneux’s and invited them to join AIM in Northern Kenya, should they be unable to return to (turbulent) Congo. They joined and worked there for two years, before being asked to help out at another mission location, where they joined forces with the national Christians for five more years. In 1979 the Bible Society of Madagascar asked if AIM could send missionaries to work with them, and the Molyneux’s responded. They moved in 1980 and worked there until 2005, with a break in the nineties whilst their children settled back into UK culture. In Madagascar, Christine was involved in caring for sick people and orphans, teaching English, Bible training and encouraging other missionaries and volunteers. Her son says; ‘She was like an English rose, blooming in the Malagasy rice fields.’

Greatly loved

In 2005 they returned to the UK but still remained involved with AIM and projects in Africa. In recent years Christine’s health deteriorated. She suffered a heart attack in 2008 and was diagnosed with cancer in 2010. At the beginning of this year, she became increasingly ill and weak. Suffering from heart failure and advancing cancer, she was finally ‘welcomed home’ on July 10. A Thanksgiving Service was held in Sutton Bonington on July 25. Hundreds of messages have poured in during the past months – all testifying to the fact that Christine was greatly loved and deeply appreciated by people of many countries and cultures.

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