Looking for some inspiration, illustrations or opportunities to use or apply in your service or sermon? Here are some articles, stories and resources (particularly chosen to work well with our service outline Christ, the hope of the world) about what God is doing in Africa.
- I Against my Brother – A short film about a Somali woman who was saved
- Prayer sheet for people in Indian Ocean island locations
- What is Islam?
- God’s project of hope in Rwanda
- Statistics about unreached people groups
Stories from locals:
- Kabil trains secret believers in North Africa
- Myriam* shares her story about discovering Christianity, and her search for the truth.
Stories from missionaries:
- One AIM missionary working in North Africa shares how they seek to always have Jesus Christ on their lips.
- How do you share the gospel on an Indian Ocean Island?
- Hope, in the present perfect.
- What is it like to live in a creative access country? One of our missionaries shares their impressions.
- Julie* lives in a creative access nation where almost the entire population are Muslim. We asked her what church and fellowship with other Christians looks like for her and for local believers.