Create an Origami Church

Have you ever wondered why going to church is so important? Maybe you are someone who loves going to church and having fun with your friends there. But maybe some days you don’t really feel like going, or it means missing out on something your friends who don’t go to church are doing. Sometimes it might feel hard.

But there are some good reasons why God suggests that as Christians we should meet together regularly with other Christians. The Bible describes the church like a big body (why don’t you look up 1 Corinthians 12:12-27?). All the people are like the different parts of a body; a foot, an eye, a hand, an ear. I wonder which body part you would like to be? Each body part has it’s own individual talent or job, and they might be quite different in some ways. Each individual does its bit in order for the whole body to be able to work. We all belong together as part of the whole.


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