Connect July – September 2020

As this edition of Connect looks back at all God has done in Africa over AIM’s 125 year history, I find myself looking back too. First setting foot in Africa in 1985 as an AIM volunteer teacher in Kaptagat, western Kenya, I soon got to know the local Africa Inland Church (AIC) pastor and his wife, Ally and Ruth Chepkwony, and their four young children.  

Next summer I returned to help with the local AIC youth camps. The following year, I introduced my then boyfriend (now husband) to Kenya and of course, to the Chepkwony family. Ally and Ruth visited the UK for the first time when my church in Kent arranged for them to come to our wedding! 

Neil and I have had the privilege of keeping in touch and visiting them whenever we can, following their missionary journey from training with AIM to leadership within Eldoret Missionary Training College and the AIC church.  

In April 1999, we went to our first Kenyan wedding, that of their son, Robert, to Carol. Three years later, they had two wonderful boys, one named Neil after my husband and the other named Gerry after my father! Robert and Carol have continued to be friends of ours and have followed in their parents’ footsteps. They now serve as AIM missionaries in South Sudan, leading a team among the Lopit people.  

We have led the West Midlands Prayer Group since the early 90s and in 2006, I joined the AIM Board. Back in 1985 I would never have dreamt how God would bless these relationships or how he would lead us all in his service in these different ways. I wonder how he might be calling you? 

Heather Potts, AIM Board Member 

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