19 mei 2015

Verena Schafroth

“The home stretch is literally a trip home to Germany before setting out again. I’ll be leaving Portugal on 1st June… The saying ‘time flies’ really is true. I can hardly believe that nine months are already coming to an end now. I am very grateful for how God has blessed my time here. Now, my thoughts turn to Mozambique more and more. Yet much still has to be organised and done before I get there. In August I will have the pleasure of re-packing all my things again – this tends to be quite exhausting for me. Please pray that God will overshadow my heart with his joy. But before all that will happen, I simply look forward to seeing my family, friends and my sending church in Germany. Please pray for a great reunion and a blessed time together – it will be the last time for at least a couple of years.”

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