3 juli 2020

Peter & Katy Wilson

The Wilsons returned to the UK at the beginning of June for their Home Assignment. “Rift Valley Academy (RVA) recently decided that next term will also be online and there [has been] a mass exodus with 27 families leaving. There are still 20+ families at RVA and there is a sense from them that they are the remnant. In addition a positive case on campus meant three families were also quarantining and so morale is low. We were however encouraged to hear that the case was asymptomatic and people are doing well. Plan A for us is to return at the end of August if possible. We hope to give those that have remained a break and maybe release them until Term 2, when, all being well, school will start back up. Please pray for those that are still at RVA and the many families home schooling all over Africa. Pray too for wisdom in all the decisions needing made affecting the school in the coming weeks.”

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