3 juni 2024

Pete and Libby Halestrap

Pete and Libby Halestrap shared the love of Jesus through medical work, teaching, and discipleship at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya. The family is now in the UK indefinitely while Pete undergoes chemotherapy and other urgent medical treatment. Give thanks for Pete’s good response to treatment. Pray for God’s peace over him as he completes another round of chemotherapy before having another MRI scan in June 2024. Give thanks that their children are settling into UK school well, enjoying many extracurricular activities. Give thanks for their Church family and the Ladies’ Bible Study which continues to give life to Libby. Pray for Libby as she plans to return to Kijabe to complete packing up their house. Pray for God’s miraculous healing for Pete and for the whole family to continue pressing on in faith and submission to the sovereignty of God.

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