13 november 2020

Martin & Joy Koch

On November 7 we returned to Lchakwai together with three AIC Samburu Pastors. There was a celebration to welcome us back to Lchakwai. Martin received a new Masai blanket and I was given a beautiful necklace of beads. During that meeting, the AIC Pastors shared. They explained that Lemeidimi would now be the pastor of Lchakwai. We would still visit Lchakwai but not be living there fulltime as before. 

There was quite some discussion among the elders at that meeting. Later, we learned that one of the old men had said that he had been sent by other elders to say that they did not want Lemeidimi to stay in Lchakwai. We then heard from several moran (warriors) and men that Lemeidimi was not wanted in Lchakwai because he is Dorobo. There are quite some tensions between the Dorobo and the Samburu. Lemeidimi told us that he had been warned not to bring his goats and his girls to Lchakwai.

There were many words, but the conclusion was that Lemeidimi and Martin and I should leave Lchakwai. We should take everything with us. What we left behind, they would burn. We had one week to remove everything. 

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