4 mei 2018

Loots & Nancy Lambrechts

“The young, zealous church family of Gospel Community Church (GCC) in Kigali was planted just over a year ago, and we praise God for bringing this community of Bible believing Christians together. Nearly a month ago however, GCC was told by the Rwandan government that they could no longer gather in the building where they were meeting. In the last month the government has closed down over 700 churches in Kigali alone and 6300 nationwide. They say this clamp down is because churches have failed to comply with building health and safety standards. The reason given to GCC is that a school hall is not a suitable place for them to meet. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Kigali, that they would not loose heart or become discouraged, but instead would trust the Lord’s purposes and plans. Pray that through affliction and hardship the gospel would continue to thrive amongst them and their communities. Please pray that they would not give up meeting together in small groups and that the Lord would provide another venue for them. Pray for the children who were hearing the gospel week after week in the community where they used to meet. Pray that these children would keep hearing truth and that the seed that has been planted in their lives would not be snatched away. Please also pray for Loots’ upcoming trip to Kigali in the next few weeks. Pray that he would be a great encouragement to the people there.”

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