28 mei 2024


The Laarim live in the Boya Hills of South Sudan, a rugged and hilly terrain with rich savanna, high grasslands and scrub bushes. They live in small settlements, with social and cultural life centred around cattle, with livestock being their only known natural resource. Pray Africa writes: “Every Saturday a group of boys is eager to come for chai, games, and Bible stories. Last week I asked the question, ‘Who is ready to go to heaven if we die today?’ One boy said, ‘I will go to heaven…because of the grace of God.’ Yes! However, another boy answered, ‘I will go to hell because I am a sinner.’ I turned now to our memory verse from Romans 5:7: ‘But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’ With this focus on the gospel and our wonderful Savior, the second boy was able to joyfully declare, ‘I will go to heaven!’” Pray that these young boys will fully surrender their lives to Jesus and place their faith in Him alone.” 

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