15 september 2017

Kathleen Quellmalz

“In June we again held our Teen-Camp for the 14-18 year olds. This year the theme was: “Be different — be like Jesus”. Three of our camp leaders this year were “former campers”. Once themselves participants, they have grown in the meantime to become co-workers and leaders. For Robert, it was the first time that he was there as a group leader. After the completion of his Secondary School, he decided to join Safina as a volunteer for a few months before starting his A-levels. We are looking forward to this new generation. Presently, there are 11 former youth, who work full-time or as volunteers with Safina…It is in my heart to train, assist and encourage our young co-workers. Unfortunately, at the moment I am too involved in administrative tasks. However, a structural change will be taking place on the management level of Safina in the coming months. Please pray for this important process, which is at the same time a benchmark for the coming years. Pray for wisdom, clarity and unity in the upcoming decisions.”

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