21 december 2018


“Things at Wellspring are going well and the students are growing academically and spiritually, which is a joy to see. Recently we have been learning about Moses and it has been wonderful to explore how faith impacts our actions and attitudes, and how God has a great salvation plan… We memorise scripture each week and recently learned a series of passages from Exodus, including ‘The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.’ (Exodus 14:14). This is one of my favourite verses in the whole Bible, in part because I need the daily reminder to be still before the Lord, but also because it reveals the glorious truth that we are on the winning side. It has been interesting to see my students wrestle with the challenges set before us in the book of Exodus: The challenge to trust, to follow, to resist the temptation to complain, to pursue holiness… Praise the Lord that our school is a place where we can discuss and pray through these things. Thank you for praying for our class as we grow in our faith together.”

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