25 augustus 2017

Bridget Howard

“The week before I went to [the AIM Conference in] Kampala the 4th year pastors were at NCM accompanied by their wives – the usual practice for the graduating class – to treat the subjects of family life, conflict resolution in marriage and the role of a pastor’s wife. As usual the men were smartly dressed in the company of their wives. I return after the departure of the wives to find the men back to T-shirts and flipflops! And I’m straight back into teaching their English module, teaching extra hours to make up for the missed lessons last week. I returned to more contrast. Dominique, my night guard, had news of the birth of a sixth child but the baby died a couple of days after birth. Gilbert, my day worker, had happy news of the birth of a second daughter. We mourn and rejoice at the same time…Many of you have journeyed with me during all these years. Thank you. And God journeys with us all the days of our lives. The words of Psalm 71:17-18 express my testimony and prayer. God is good all the time; all the time God is good.”

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