25 november 2016

Andrew Wallace

Recently, Andrew has been working on preparing a Nativity play with the children at Kimatong school, translating a script written from Matthew and Luke’s accounts of Jesus’ birth into Laarim with a local believer. “On their return [from a visit to the USA], Phil and Linda [Byler, the team leaders] also brought some costumes (generously made by Linda’s sister Twila) for the very first Kimatong School Nativity. The children have been delighted with the introduction of these colourful robes and most of all with the arrival of plastic baby Jesus who is selflessly on loan from young Phoebe Beckham [Andrew & Anna’s daughter]. The children are continuing to learn the script well and their commitment to performance is improving with every practice. My vision is for four December presentations, taking place at Napak/Chawua and Kali on 11th/18th December, Kimatong on school closing day (16th December) and here in Yei on Christmas Day Sunday. None of this is confirmed yet and there is potential for conflict with the expectations of the Catholic service requirements of the school. Please pray for God’s wisdom as we seek the best way to present this Christmas story and for good relationships to be maintained with the school and community.

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