30 september 2016

Andrew Wallace

I would like to ask your prayers for an exciting new venture, namely my hope to prepare a Nativity play (Christmas drama) with the children at Kimatong school this term. Anjelo, a Laarim believer schooling in Torit, [was] with us during the school break and I have been working together with him to translate to Laarim a script written from Matthew’s and Luke’s accounts of Jesus’ birth. The performance will include the two songs already written by the school children, and hopefully three more will be crafted and included in the next three months. Our prayer is that this can be performed multiple times in the Christmas season in different areas of Laarim territory and can be reproduced in future years without requiring the input of foreign missionaries.” Please pray for God’s blessing on this project, and that he will use it to bring many children and their parents to saving faith in Jesus.

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