Missions advocate in DR Congo

Do you have significant missions experience, understanding of African culture and a desire to inspire others to support mission and raise up new workers? If so, this opportunity in DR Congo could be for you.


DR Congo is the largest country in sub-Saharan Africa by area. A small group of AIM MIssionaries first arrived there in 1912. Today, in many areas the Congolese church is strong and poised to have an incredible impact for the glory of God. However, in other areas the church is weak. Bible schools are struggling, and young people remain unaware of their call to serve Christ, while children and the vulnerable are often neglected or ignored. Church leaders themselves acknowledge that their greatest weakness is a lack of love among believers. 

We have a responsibility to reengage with our Congolese brothers and sisters. Not to take over or replace, but to serve, support and disciple. We see the potential of the church. We know it is capable of so much more. We are part of one and the same body, and we have an important role to play. 

Vision & Strategy 

We work directly with churches, pastors, ministries, cell groups, worship teams, prayer groups, and others, to equip leaders and emerging leaders for ministry. We train, teach, and encourage. Each member of our team has specialised skills and knowledge that we use to build up the body of Christ. Congo needs pastors, chaplains, worship leaders, and youth and children’s workers to pour into existing church schools and programs. We need skilled Christians willing to pioneer creative new ministries that address the church’s many needs and align with AIM’s vision of seeing Christ-centred churches planted among all of Africa’s people groups.  

It is our vision to encourage and mobilise indigenous missionaries alongside their sending churches, so that mission work would be sustainable and effective. The church has a strong vision to reach the lost, but is not, overall, engaged in mission or cross-cultural ministry to the unreached. They ask for our help in mobilising, encouraging and strategising so that indigenous missionaries would be sent out, supported by their local churches in prayer and finances.  

Ministry & Type of Work 

The goal of the Missions Advocate role is to mobilise local churches to support mission, and church leaders and Christians for mission and cross-cultural ministry.  

The role would require significant travel. Visiting with church leaders and churches across north eastern Congo, encouraging mission involvement and cross-cultural ministry. This could include leading seminars, teaching mission strategy, teaching in Bible Schools, visiting youth groups and cell groups, and much more. The worker would also be expected to act as a liaison between indigenous missionaries and local churches, encouraging churches to care effectively for their missionaries and raising awareness about what indigenous missionaries are doing.  

Qualifications & Experience 

  • Significant missions experience (5+ years) 
  • Experience or living and working in Africa 
  • Level 3 French 
  • Theological degree 
  • Educational focus on missiology, evangelism/discipleship or intercultural studies desirable 
  • Pastoral experience desirable 


The main qualification that we seek is that you are a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and that you desire to share your faith and are proactive in doing so. We do have a minimum standard of biblical competency and, alongside your church, we will assist you in training where it is needed. Where formal and professional qualifications are concerned, this will vary from assignment to assignment and country to country. Many countries in Africa today require a university degree, or equivalent, for the purposes of obtaining a work permit.

In most cases, short term and long term missionaries receive both a European Based Orientation prior to departure as well as a country-specific orientation immediately upon arrival in the country of service.

Our approach to mission though is all about learning. We seek to learn about local culture and language to be effective in sharing the gospel. Different team programmes cover different levels of training through the ministry period, with TIMO (Training in Ministry Outreach) teams offering the most comprehensive curriculum.

Leonie Dielman

I try to invest in the youth through Bible studies using the five questions of the storying method… When I started the studies, I was so amazed that the youth, usually so quiet, didn’t stop talking and answering questions.

Interested? Get in Touch

Hi, my name is Debbie. If this opportunity interests you, or you have any questions, please do get in touch.​

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Long term ( Over a year )

Our passion is to see Christ-centred churches among all African peoples. Currently there are over 1,000 people groups in Africa or 316 million people, who are waiting to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to engage with these unreached people, partner with churches in Africa to raise up gospel workers and equip African church leaders to strengthen the church. Could you play a part?. LEARN MORE

DR Congo

DR Congo is the largest country in sub-Saharan Africa by area. With a population of over 75 million, it is the most populated officially Francophone country, the fourth most populated nation in Africa and the nineteenth most populated country in the world. LEARN MORE

Church Development

We hope that our church development work with local African churches will lead them to be centres of hope and love that draw more people to Jesus. LEARN MORE
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