Kind of crazy – The difference a Bible makes

Steve Titterton from Cornerstone Church, Nottingham is currently working amongst the Rendille people in Kenya. He introduces Naryo…

Let me introduce you to Naryo. When you meet her, you cannot help but notice that she has had an encounter with the living Lord Jesus. The love she has found in Christ is reflected in her love for her people, the Rendille. This love has made her ‘kind of crazy’: crazy in the very best way. She goes to villages where no one else is going, to share the gospel. She goes where many of us would fear to tread, walking across burning miles of forgotten desert lands, or risking the perils of the night.

“How did she become this lady who will risk it all, so that one more person might hear about Jesus?”

So what changed Naryo from an illiterate Rendille woman, with a vague interest in God, but no understanding of Jesus Christ? How did she become this lady who will risk it all, so that one more person might hear about Jesus Christ? It was the book of Mark, translated into Rendille. Some other Christians were also crazy in the very best way: they gave their lives to the arduous, dangerous work of translating the Bible, and so Naryo had access to the book of Mark. Just one book of the Bible, translated into her heart-language, was enough to change Naryo’s life forever; she met Jesus in those pages. You should see her copy of Mark’s gospel now, it looks like an ancient parchment stored in the British Library. She has loved those pages, but more importantly, she loves the Saviour, who can be found on every page.


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