Articles & Stories

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Lights on a mountain

Hear from the team leaders going to the Ik, a small marginalised people group in Uganda.

From Sunday School to the Samburu

Carey Baptist Church, Reading is the sending church of F*, who has recently joined a TIMO team working amongst the unreached Samburu people. Co-pastor, David Magowan tells us of their journey alongside F*.

Discipleship and Church Leadership in Mozambique

Claire Weddell is based in Chimoio, working with local churches in discipleship and leadership development.

Missionaries to the Missionaries

Paul & Di Allcock from Above Bar Church are working in Mbarara, Uganda, providing pastoral care & support to the team there. They talk about their journey so far.

Kijabe Hospital

Kijabe Hospital has become strategic in reaching out to unreached people groups. Pete Halestrap, a doctor at AIM’s Kijabe Hospital explains how...

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.