Articles & Stories

In our image?

The Apostle John had an amazing vision of the risen Christ in all his glory. But not many of us have seen a vision of God as John did. Instead, we can be tempted to project our understanding of the world onto how we view God. Caroline Bell talks about how moving to Moroto, Uganda, has shaped how she sees God and his character.

What’s happening in Uganda?

Like most of the world, schools in Uganda have been impacted by Covid-19. Ugandan schools have not been fully open since March 2020 (although international schools are now happening online and will probably soon be reopening on campus in some form). Those taking exams this school year returned in October, but many children who really need school are still not allowed to attend.

Meet the Ramangalahy family

Hervé is Malagasy and lived in Madagascar until he was 24, when he joined Nathalia, who is Swiss, in Geneva. They got married and have three children, Rija (11), Andry (9) and Mialy (5). They are just starting ministry in Nosy Be, an island off Madagascar. We asked them how God led them to the mission field.

Called to go, and stay

Janaine Basso, her husband Fernando and their two sons, Benicio (5) and Timóteo (2), live in Betroka, southern Madagascar, among the Bara people. Janaine explains how God called her. 

Get to know the Bara

Betroka is a small village in southern Madagascar, surrounded by beautiful mountains. This place has been the land and home of the Bara people for centuries.

What’s happening in Madagascar?

Rosina Ferdinand, AIM's Unit Leader for Madagascar, shares about what is happening in Madagascar as the country deals with the impact of Covid-19.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.