Articles & Stories

Medics in a hostile world

Yesterday, I was carrying out the most ignoble procedure a surgeon can do, and caught myself thinking ‘this is not what I came here to do’. Followed immediately by the challenge ‘but I thought you wanted to serve others?

Why bother: with Bible & Theology?

To continue our series examining the ministries of our mission partners, we asked Tony Swanson, why theological training is so important.

News: Sanga Sanga Development

The Institute of Bible & Ministry in Tanzania was originally a programme of seminars in rented rooms, but now has its home at the ever-growing site at Sanga Sanga.

Womens ministry: Second class citizens

Lyn Cooke lives in Arua, north west Uganda. She shares with us about her ministry amongst women, opportunities that have opened up and the positive impact of the workshops she helps run.

Darkness in a colourful place

Knowing that at any moment you could be asked to leave the country you’re working in, means that mission partners have to be creative in how they share Jesus. One AIM mission partner working in North Africa shares how they seek to always have Jesus Christ on their lips.

Scotland: Mobilising Mission

Ruth Box shares with us what it’s like being an AIM Mobiliser in Scotland and the role she plays in helping churches send mission partners to Africa.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.