Articles & Stories

What does Community Development mean?

We asked Graeme & Eli Mallett to discuss their thoughts on ‘community development’ as they adjust to life and ministry in Mahajanga, Madagascar.

Lesotho – Growing Nations update

Working on an agricultural project in Lesotho is hardly where you would expect to find a photographer and an accountant, but this is where the Lord called Barry & Heather Mann to serve.

Beyond everyday life

Dawn works among the women on an Indian Ocean Island, seeking to share Jesus with them and the freedom there is in knowing him.

The Rendille – Learning as I went

Steve Titterton tells us about Chulayo, a teenager zealous for Jesus, but who has never really been discipled. He was excited to read the Bible with Steve.

Physiotherapy In Uganda

Lydia Morrell had just graduated from the University of Ulster with a degree in Physiotherapy when she left Northern Ireland to go on Short Term mission to Uganda. Here she shares her experiences:

Everything I’d hoped

James Hookham is a recent Mathematics with French graduate from Imperial College of London who is taking a year out to serve in Madagascar. Here he shares how he has been getting on so far:

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.