Articles & Stories

Home from home?

How do you prepare for a week living with people whom you have never met before and share no common language with, in a culture totally alien to your own?

Equipping Francophone Europe for Mission

Gilles & Myriam Bonvallat first worked with AIM in Zaire, and then in Rwanda from 1997 to 2013. Now they’re heading up AIM’s mobilisation work in francophone Europe. Here they discuss the challenges ahead.

Why bother with: Children & youth

F.R.O.G. …Fully rely on God…does that sound familiar? If it does, you’re probably in your early 20s…a slogan chanted across many Sunday schools and youth programmes in the 90s! Many of those that sang (or danced) to this ditty are involved in missions today.

Short Term – Two friends in Madagascar

Julia Howarth and Anna Wilmshurst are friends from Bristol, both serving in Madagascar for six months after finishing their A Levels.

Short Term – Culture shock in Bunia

Sarah McArthur and Bethany Sinclair are serving in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) after finishing school, using and developing French language skills as well as teaching English.

Joys and challenges of serving amongst the Sakalava

Elly Schoepp serving as part of the Sakalava Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team with her husband Jed and children James, Elias & Ben shares her reflections on the practicalities of living in a Madagascan village.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.