Articles & Stories

Sustainable Mission

For over 35 years a Christian rural development programme in a remote and impoverished community in Kenya has been literally transforming not just the lives of the people but also the landscape itself. Bill and Joseph share about the transforming power of the gospel in producing effective, sustainable change.

Sparking Hope

Bill has seen firsthand how the ‘renewal of minds’ (Romans 12:1-2) affects our relationships, not only with our Creator but with creation too.

For the love of trees

In this issue of Connect, we will be spending some more time in God’s good creation, reflecting on how we exercise the role God originally gave us to care for creation while also living out the gospel in anticipation of the restoration of creation.

Interest in Jesus

Paul tells us about some of the men who have studied at the English Centre and their reactions to reading the Bible.

Guided to go

After a short term assignment in Chad, Paul recently returned to begin long term ministry, teaching English and sharing the gospel. He explains how God has guided him through the years.

Pray for Karimojong believers

Paul and Helen share some prayer requests from Isaac, Adia Rosa and Amuk and Betty, local Karimojong believers in Uganda.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.