Articles & Stories

Supporting the Zande church

Why go to the Central African Republic? Because the Zande church has asked for our help. And their Mbororo neighbours still have no knowledge of the God who created them.

Meet the Antakarana!

Join us in getting to know some of the Antakarana people from the village of Marimbehely, Nosy Mitsio, Madagascar.

Mobilising Mission: What does the Personnel office do?

Kathryn Hubbard, Personnel Administrator shares about the practicalities of supporting mission partners through their service in Africa.

Discovering others’ need for Christ

Joel Skinner shares the story of a Ugandan man discovering others’ need for Christ

Reaching the Zigua with the gospel

Little education, little healthcare, no gospel witness. This is the state of the Zigua people in KomSanga village located in northeastern Tanzania.

Establishing churches among the Mwani

Tim & Bronwen Heaton, with their children Katie & Jamie, have been serving in Pemba, Mozambique, seeking to share the gospel among the Mwani people and see a church established.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.