Articles & Stories

Sowing seeds among the Alagwa

Owen & Miriam Pugh with Ella, Charlie (at RVA) Imani & Cerys are serving as part of a Focus team working among the Alagwa in Tanzania.

Màiri in Madagascar

In July 2015 a team of 14 went out to Ile Sainte Marie off the coast of Madagascar to serve in a number of ministries, but ultimately to share the gospel with those who had never heard of Jesus. Led by Rodrigo & Valeska Petrelli, the team included three members of Edinburgh University Christian Union. One of those students, Màiri, shares her experience.

Serving short term among the Rendille

Floss Hall is a nineteen year old student, currently studying theology at London School of Theology, who spent five weeks of her summer living among the Rendille people in Korr, Kenya. Floss had previously been on a short term mission to Tanzania with her home church where she developed her passion for mission and Africa. We asked her some questions about her experience.

Serving the community in Mayotte

Christoff & Sarah Power share about their work in Mayotte and the hope they have that in working with the community, they can demonstrate Jesus and tell of his good news.

Why bother: With support & pastoral care?

Mark Phippen shares about the importance of member care and his personal journey into counselling and mission.

Serving the Church in D.R. Congo

Toni Stenger, serving in Bunia, DR Congo, shares about her work with the Communauté Evangélique au Centre de l’Afrique (CECA) church and the importance of theological training.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.