Articles & Stories

Meet new member, Ruth Mahood

Ruth Mahood, sent from Logie & St John’s (Cross) Parish Church, Dundee, shares about God’s call on her life.

Bible teaching and the Holy Spirit

One of the reasons we’re passionate about teaching God’s Word and engaging in discipleship, is to help combat false teaching, like this story about the Holy Spirit in Africa, and other false teaching which abounds in many churches, not just here in Africa, but around the world.

Preparing to serve among the Ik

This summer a TIMO (Training in Ministry Outreach) team will begin ministry among the unreached Ik people of Uganda. Here a few of the team members have shared about themselves and their thoughts as they prepare to go and serve.

Rath Dé ort!

What do St. Patrick and AIM have in common? There is actually a lot more to St. Patrick than a lot of our modern day St. Patrick’s day celebrations let on.

Diaspora – From every corner

As part of AIM’s Vision 2020 we have committed to build 40 teams to reach unreached African diaspora groups. We’ve set up a specific diaspora region to facilitate this integral part of our international strategy. But what does diaspora mean and why do we continue to view this work as important?

Mobilising mission – technology and member care

As part of Ruth's commitment to caring for missionaries, last year she went to Kenya. During this trip, Ruth noticed the impact that technology has on member care. Here she discusses the pros and cons of using technology to keep in touch.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.