Articles & Stories

Dwelling Places – rehabilitating street children

Marsali Campbell serves at Dwelling Places, a Christian NGO in Uganda. Begun as a calling from God to Rita Nkemba in 1996, Dwelling Places seeks to love and rescue children from the streets, based on the ‘job description’ of Isaiah 58.

More surprising than penguins?

Around 300 million people living and dying without hearing of the salvation that Jesus offers. Maybe that’s more surprising than penguins in Africa?

Choosing what is better – women of the word!

Nancy Lambrechts helps teach and train the women at ‘Preach the Word’ in Kigali, Rwanda. She writes…

Why bother with Church Development?

The importance of church development and the role that the Institute of Bible and Ministry has to play in supporting the Tanzanian church to grow in knowledge and depth of insight.

Meet new member, Ruth Mahood

Ruth Mahood, sent from Logie & St John’s (Cross) Parish Church, Dundee, shares about God’s call on her life.

Bible teaching and the Holy Spirit

One of the reasons we’re passionate about teaching God’s Word and engaging in discipleship, is to help combat false teaching, like this story about the Holy Spirit in Africa, and other false teaching which abounds in many churches, not just here in Africa, but around the world.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.