Articles & Stories

Equipped to serve the Mozambican church

Inge Michel and Angelika Maader share about the challenges Mozambique faces and about how INTENA Bible college is seeking to support and equip pastors.

Hearts are turning to God

The TIMO team to the Fulani have been in Niger since May 2016. Angèle tells us how the team have seen God working in the hearts of the Fulani.

AIM Air evacuations

What did 25th December look like for you? For the SIM team in Doro, South Sudan, Christmas day afternoon found them lying on the floors of their houses as the sounds of gunshots came far too close for comfort. Tensions had risen and there were several days of unrest between the 40,000 refugees who live in the Doro Refugee Camp and the Doro community.

Workers for the field

Over 300 million people in Africa have little opportunity to hear the good news, and even less opportunity to be discipled. “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field" (Matthew 9:38).

Jesus is in Digoland

For the last few years the Digo Focus team have been using their various skills to come alongside the Digo and share the gospel with them. Samantha Johnson shares...

The bumpy road to CAR

After years of praying and waiting, Steve and Sharon Entwistle moved to CAR in September 2015, to reach out to the nomadic Mbororo people. We asked them to tell us a little bit about the country.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.