Articles & Stories

Diane’s story

Diane is a Rwandan who teaches Sunday school with Jessica Goldschmidt at her church in Kigali. She recently shared her testimony at a 'Walk to Remember' event during the Rwanda's Genocide commemoration week...

Pastor Paulo shares his testimony

Pastor Paulo shares about what it means to become a Christian among an unreached people group and his passion for reaching more of his community with the gospel.

How do you discern your calling?

Cynthia Robinson, a missionary mobilised by AIM’s Canadian office, has recently moved to Antananarivo, Madagascar, to help coordinate the short term mission programme there. She talks to us about her mobilising journey.

How can hospitals share the gospel?

The Linleys are working in partnership with AIM at the Good News Hospital in Mandritsara. Here they share how the hospital shares the gospel.

What’s it like to grow up in Uganda?

After four years serving in Uganda, James and Claire Gibson give us an insight into what it’s like for young people to grow up in the church in Uganda.

How do you reach the Antakarana with the gospel?

Find out why we can’t just plant or build a church among the Antakarana. And how we're seeking to share the gospel instead!

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.