Articles & Stories

Mobilising for mission in South Africa

Jacob Igba, Mobilising Officer for AIM’s South African office, explains how they use the Kairos course to address one of the main challenges of mobilising.

What do you actually do on a short term trip?

Matt and Abbi McClure worked alongside the Swansons, the Dixons and the Lancasters in Morogoro, Tanzania on a short term mission trip.

What’s the future face of Mayotte?

John & Alma Baker have just returned to Mayotte after being a part of a Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team there over four years ago.

What’s to fear in paradise?

Barbara Skerry and her daughter, Pippa, have recently come back from a short term trip to Madagascar on the island of Nosy Mitsio.

Meet the Jordans

Meet our most recent new members, Alan and Pauline Jordan, who are preparing to serve in Marsabit, northern Kenya

Hope in heartache

Steve and Sharon Entwistle have been leading a new team in CAR, but instability and fighting in the country has meant that their time there had to be brought to a close early. Here, Sharon talks honestly about how it feels to have to evacuate a country.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.