Articles & Stories

Meet Annette, our newest member!

Annette* shares her story, as a Tanzanian living and working in the UK, and now, as she responds to God’s call to return to Africa as a missionary.

So, what does teaching on the mission field look like?

Hannah teaches at Wellspring Academy in Chad, providing education for the children of missionaries serving in Africa. In her latest prayer letter, she shares how her role is not only allowing missionary parents to stay on the field, but is a mission field in itself, too...

Why bother with church planting?

In Tanzania, AIM have established the Institute of Bible & Ministry (IBM), a focal point of our passion to see Africans mobilised to share the gospel...

Telling the gospel story among the Ik

The Ik TIMO (Training in Ministry Outreach) team has been living on the Ik ridge for over a year. Lucy Profitt gives us an update.

Seeing eternal transformation

Last summer, Gilles and Myriam Bonvallat, our mobilisers for Francophone Europe, visited the Fulani TIMO (Training in Ministry Outreach) team in Niger...

Free from fear

Henry is a Muslim background believer who professed faith in Christ over three years ago...

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.