Articles & Stories

How do you plant a church in North Africa?

There is often a necessity for church planting in creative access areas to look different from what we might be used to. We asked a member of a team in North Africa what church planting might look like for them, and how they maintain their relationship with God in a spiritually isolating area.

Pray for short term diaspora teams

Peter, our UK Diaspora Unit Leader, shares his experience from joining one of our short term diaspora teams.

Not your normal homeschool teacher…

After a last minute change of plan, Emily Bushell spent a few months serving short term in Kenya, homeschooling missionary children from a team who are working among the Digo.

What’s changed in Mozambique?

A lot has happened since AIM first started working in Mozambique in 1985. But what about the church? Claudia Middendorf gives us an insight.

How do you help with mental health?

Ann works in northern Chad, seeking to share the gospel and to demonstrate God’s love and power through her medical work. She shares more here.

Portswood Church visit the Islands

Recently, a small team from Portswood Church in Southampton went to visit and spend time alongside Heather on the Indian Ocean Islands.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.