Articles & Stories

Why is discipleship so important?

Despite being the biggest county in Kenya, Marsabit County currently has no Bible training facilities. The local church has requested that someone come and set up a Bible training college, which will serve the many different people groups in the area.

“Now, it’s our gospel!”

Eddie and Rachel Andersen live in Dukana, sharing the gospel with the semi-nomadic Gabbra people, who have been fairly resistant. But, they have seen some breakthroughs...

What about the unreached?

We talk a lot about unreached people. Estimates say that over a billion people in the world today have little to no knowledge of Jesus, little to no knowledge of the gospel, and little to no chance of hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ before they die. It begs the question, then: What happens to them when they die?

Freedom and faith

Last year, the Gabbra people in northern Kenya suffered a famine because for the previous two years there had been no rain. Eddie and Rachel Andersen, living among them, felt they had to do something.

Building blocks among the Rendille

Last August, the Rendille celebrated the dedication of the New Testament that had just been completed in their heart language.

Reaching hearts

Caleb Fetterhoff and Tobias Reuff work among the Lesotho Shepherds. Caleb shares about how one shepherd came to trust in Jesus.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.