Articles & Stories

God’s Kingdom in Madagascar

Melias is a Malagasy missionary who works with Karin Mende in Madagascar. He tells us his testimony of how he became a Christian and how God gave him  vision for mission, to tell other Malagsy the gospel.

How to engage with the Bible

The Bible has been available in Ngakarimojong since 2010. We asked Caroline what happens once a people group have access to God’s Word in their own language?

Why and how do we do mission?

The theology of mission is a reflection on God, but while it is theology, it is also practical. It explores how God is at work in his world through mission and how he uses his people to do this.

New models of sending?

Tony Swanson explains what some of the barriers are for Africans getting involved in cross-cultural mission. 

How does the Bible impact lives?

Barry Mann, Communications and Media specialist at Growing Nations, explains how the Bible underpins their work.

Courageous Calling

OFM, AIM's media team based in Nairobi, recently met up with Moses, the youth and missions pastor at AIC Langata, to interview him for their series about Africans on the front lines of this work.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.