Articles & Stories

Confirming my calling

I've seen that mission is about getting alongside people and loving them where they are. Showing Christ to them and showing them the gospel, taking the opportunities that you get, understanding that it’s a slow process. It's about sowing seeds and keeping talking.

Closer to home

In July 2019, Luke & Jenny Herrin, AIM's International Director and his wife, went on an AIM summer team in Catania, Sicily.

Does short term mission have an impact?

I believe that there are two areas where short term missions are critical for the work of mission. First, short termers help by supporting the ongoing work. Second, short termers bring necessary and unique skills to fill needs on the field.

Changed for the long term

Then we played at a huge youth conference and the main speaker turned to everyone and said “What are you holding on to? What are you not giving up for God?”

Mission in Europe

What’s it like to be part of a short term team? We asked two short termers about their experience of serving on a summer team seeking to share the gospel with Africans living in Malta. 

The most exciting thing

For a few months now, I’ve had the immense privilege of working in Chad, using stories from the Bible as a means of teaching English...

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.