Articles & Stories

In my own language

In Korr, one of Kenya’s northern frontier towns, the air seems to be constantly stirring. Traditionally, the Rendille are nomads. Traditionally, they do what they must to survive in a hostile environment. Traditionally, they have no access to Scripture in their language. Things have changed.

A changed life

Baptised as a Catholic when he was small, Arnold’s church attendance actually meant playing outside it. He started taking drugs in secondary school and as he managed to pass his secondary school exams without praying, he figured he didn’t need God.

Longing to be loved

Safina Street Network is an outreach service working with vulnerable children and young people in Dodoma and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. They tell us one boy's story. 

Why go with a mission agency?

Working with an agency ensures that there will be people who will continue the work you invested your time and energy into. Your service will amplify the effects of the ongoing work in a location.

Reaching out

The Lord has many people in Malta too. And in your city. We just need to find them. And the best way to do that is just to talk to them.

Can I do this?

Ian shares about his experience of being on a short term team in North Africa. “I’ve been involved in cross-cultural evangelism in Nottingham for several years, and I’ve had a growing sense that God might be calling me overseas to work in a missionary context..."

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.