Articles & Stories

Grow, partner and go…

A new TIMO team began ministry in South Sudan at the end of last year. They share about their location and their vision. 

How to serve effectively?

How do you run a TIMO team in a creative access location? We asked one of our former creative access workers and TIMO team leaders to share their thoughts. 

Created in God’s image

Lois Ooms worked closely with AIM and the Africa Inland Church (AIC) in Kenya for 39 years. For ten years she lived at Litein Hospital and was the Director of Community Development for AIC Kenya. She then spent eight years supporting AIM missionaries across Africa, leading workshops in transformational development. Now she is retired, but continues the challenge of adapting the principles to the North American context.

Finding the lost

Trafficked as a child, growing up on the streets. Abused, neglected, cold and frightened. That is the reality for many of the young people that Dwelling Places (a Christian NGO) works with in Uganda.

Change and being changed

In January 2018 a new team began serving among the Swahili speaking people along the coast of southern Tanzania. Living a similar lifestyle to their community, the team have spent a year learning Swahili and developing friendships where team members can discuss faith.

Channels of hope

When I started working in the Aids Awareness Programme in 2002, Aids was a taboo. Nobody talked about it, and people who tested positive hid their test results from others. People discriminated against those with the disease and even stigmatised them.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.