AIM Ministry: Outreach & Evangelism

It’s no surprise that with our desire to reach the unreached with the gospel, much of our work involves outreach & evangelism. Methods vary from people group to ministry area, but sharing the good news of Jesus is at the heart of all we do. The way we reach out to women on an Indian Ocean island might be different to the way we seek to evangelise young Samburu men in rural Kenya but our vision remains the same; to see people turning to Jesus for their salvation.

All in Africa need to know the freedom there is in Jesus, including those caught up in witchcraft, ancestor worship & animism, as well as those who are adhering to other major world religions. We long to let all Africa’s people know that they can have life, in all its fullness, for comfort rather than living in fear of breaking taboos and working to earn favour in the eyes of their gods. We long to tell them of the joy there is to be found in Christ, and the redemption that he offers.

To do this, people who are passionate and eager to share Jesus, need to go to those who have never heard. This may mean going to some of the world’s hardest to reach places, physically and spiritually but can also mean sharing hope where there is none. Could you be part of this work?


The political history of Chad

Chad is a landlocked country in north central Africa that has been inhabited since the 7th millennium BC. The formation of states began across central Chad in the 1st century AD. Most of these states began as kingdoms, where the king was considered divine and endowed with temporal and spiritual powers…


Equipped for life

Chris and Sarah served in Mayotte from 2010-2019, the first few years of which were on a TIMO team. Last year they, and their four children, moved from Mayotte to Nairobi to work in AIM’s Southern Region office. We asked Chris and Sarah how their experience on a TIMO team shaped their future ministry. 


What is TIMO?

Chris and Beka both grew up in Africa with a desire to share the good news of Christ with unreached African people groups. Having led teams on the Indian Ocean Islands for 15 years, they are passionate about the role and importance of teams. Their work now includes coordinating AIM’s Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) teams. So, what’s a TIMO team?


Why serve on a team?

Simon and Sue French look back on their experiences serving on a TIMO team from 2005 until 2007 among the Datooga in Tanzania. After the team ended, they stayed in Tanzania to serve the new churches until 2018. They tell us what the benefits of serving on a multi-cultural team.


There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.