Think about water! Colouring sheet
The Alagwa often walk miles for water. Why not download this colouring sheet to help you pray for the Alagwa and remember to think about the water you use?
Tanzania is one of the world’s poorest nations; agricultural subsistence dominates its economy. Health and education sectors require massive investments.There is freedom of religion; all major faiths have the ability to share and propagate their faith. Christianity makes up 54% of the population with Islam totalling 31%.
AIM began work in German East Africa (later Tanganyika and now Tanzania) in 1909 following work started by the Church Missionary Society (CMS). Work began in Nassa with Emil & Marie Sywulkas starting the translation of the Bible, beginning with the Gospel of John in 1913, printed on a small hand press. Their work was focussed on building a strong church led by Godly African leaders, which became one of the building blocks leading to the founding of the indigenous denomination, Africa Inland Church Tanzania. The AIC Tanzania is still an independent and self-governing church, continuing to grow. Currently the AIC Tanzania is estimated to have over 2500 congregations.
Despite the growth of the church there are still a number of unreached people groups in Tanzania. AIM members are currently directly engaged with eight unreached groups there, and remain committed to taking the gospel to the ones who have not yet heard the good news. The goal is to work together with national church partners and together to finish the task. AIM are also involved in numerous other kinds of ministry (medical, teaching, theological education, children’s work) which contribute to Christ-centered churches who in turn will reach out to the lost.
The Alagwa often walk miles for water. Why not download this colouring sheet to help you pray for the Alagwa and remember to think about the water you use?
The Zigua are found in a small coastal region in northeastern Tanzania, near to to Dar-es-Salaam. Numbering around 631,000 they are part of the Bantu linguistic group.
In Tanzania, AIM have established the Institute of Bible & Ministry (IBM), a focal point of our passion to see Africans mobilised to share the gospel…
In the 2012 census of Tanzania, children under 15 represented 44% of the total population. Please join us in praying for them.
Rahel Hämmerling is currently studying at the Cornerstone College of Intercultural Studies in the Netherlands. For her internship she chose to work in Tanzania with the Safina Street Network
In 2010 a Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team was sent to the Alagwa, an unreached people group whose heart language is as yet unwritten, and who adhere to a form of Islam mixed with traditional African religious practices.