AIM Location: Lesotho

Lesotho is a Kingdom totally surrounded by South Africa, whom they depend on, as their biggest employer and buyer of their main natural resource – water. Lesotho is made up of highland villages, where people live in extreme poverty and few have heard the gospel.

In one of these highland villages Ntate Mosoang dreamt of a man sent by God to be a missionary in his remote location in the mountains of Lesotho. Whilst waiting for the man to appear Mosoang prepared for him, building three rooms for the expected guest.

Initially AIM’s work in Lesotho was in partnership with the Lesotho Evangelical Church, working in the lowlands and training pastors through a Theological Education by Extension (TEE) programme. As work developed in Lesotho AIM realised that there are large numbers living in highland villages, still not hearing the gospel. A team was recruited in 1994 and placed in highland areas, including in the village of Ntate Mosoang. Mosoang opened his home to the new team whilst they learnt Sesotho and took their first steps in preaching.

Now, a Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team is seeking to reach the shepherds of Lesotho a group who have yet to hear the good news of the gospel. AIM are also working in lowlands, seeking to share Jesus through ‘Farming God’s Way’ practices and to equip local evangelists in their work.



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