Meet the Samburu
For the past year or so, the Samburu Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team have been working among the Samburu people and have grown to deeply care for them. Here are some of their stories of people they have met.
Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963. Since then British tourism has been a key element of Kenya’s economy, however, unemployment, poverty and crime remain high. Whilst the majority religion is Christianity, Kenya’s ethnic diversity and vast countryside means there are still many unreached with the gospel.
We began work in Kenya in 1895 which led to the founding of the indigenous denominations of Africa Inland Church, Kenya (AIC, Kenya). Currently the AIC, Kenya is estimated to have approximately 5000 local congregations. The AIC Kenya is independent, self-governing and continuing to grow.
There are still a number of unreached and under-discipled people groups in Kenya. Currently we are directly engaged with around 10 least-reached or unreached groups in Kenya. We are committed to take the gospel to those who have not yet heard the good news. Our goal is to work together with our national church partners as we seek to finish the task. We are also involved in numerous other kinds of ministry (medical, teaching, theological education, children’s work) which contribute to Christ-centered churches who in turn will reach out to the lost.
For the past year or so, the Samburu Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team have been working among the Samburu people and have grown to deeply care for them. Here are some of their stories of people they have met.
I am based in Marsabit, Kenya, training Sunday School teachers to teach the Bible and encourage children to follow Jesus.
The Halestraps have had to return to the UK for medical reasons after sharing the love of Jesus through medical work, teaching and discipleship at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya since 2012.
The Kochs have now retired from their ministry in Maralal with AIM and are following God’s leading on their lives back in Germany.
From January Tony will work as AIM Eastern Region’s Regional Executive Officer. Cath is AIM’s Child Safety Officer.
We work Rift Valley Academy (RVA) and Titchie Swot, its primary school. Peter is the Superintendent of RVA and Katy is the Principal of Titchie Swot.